Two Faces 2: Mask Off: The Final Reveal Page 5
“I need a pint of Hennessy and a fifth of Paul,” Janet told the guy behind the counter.
“I’m not drinking…it’s too early for me,” Baldwin said.
“I wasn’t getting this for you!” Janet yelled with the stank face causing everyone to look around at them.
Baldwin just stood there not saying a word. It seemed that he wanted to leave out of the store, but didn’t. He was so embarrassed that he just held his head down. After they left the liquor store they went up on the block. As usual the block was thick. There were people playing cards, drinking and just talking cash shit. Janet found her a spot off in the corner so she could see everything. It had to be about a half hour that had gone by, before Janet spotted just what she was up there for. She fixed herself another drink and watched how Blondie and Renee’ seemed to be best friends. They were laughing and talking like nothing happened. Janet was a little confused about all that, but she kept watching. Then out of nowhere, she saw the same guy that Renee’ was just with at the liquor store walk up and start talking to them. This is what she heard and saw.
“What’s up sis?” the unknown male asked.
“Sister,” Janet repeated to herself.
“Hey Shawn,” Blondie replied.
“I thought you were going home so you can get dressed and go to work?” Renee’ stated.
“I called in,” Shawn informed her.
“Why would you call in? You know you can’t miss a day from work,” Blondie smirked.
“Man, dad can say what he wants. I’m not about to work myself to death like he does. I’m going to live my life how I want to live it,” Shawn spat as he grabbed Renee’ by the waist and pulled her to him.
“You’re talking all that now, but when daddy doesn’t pay your ass you’re going to be crying,” Blondie joked.
“Don’t worry about that boo, I will take care of you,” Renee’ said giving Shawn a kiss.
Janet was all into what was happening in front of her, that she didn’t realize that Baldwin had walked away from where they were. From what I could tell, no one was really who they say they were not, nor did their words mean anything. Truthfully, I was just amazed at how everyone was just so deceitful and had no remorse about it.
* * * * * * * * * *
“Shelton, where are you?” Keisha asked into the phone.
“What’s up?” Shelton questioned.
“Just tell me where you are,” Keisha demanded.
“Why does it matter where I am?” Shelton snapped back.
“Look, I’m not going to go back and forth with you, so whatever,” Keisha said right before she ended the call.
Shelton tried calling her back, but only got the voicemail. Shelton started wondering why Keisha wanted to know where he was, but at the same time he was wondering where she was. Shelton headed home, but when he got there Keisha wasn’t there. He called her phone again and still no answer. He walked around the house to see if anything was missing or out of place, which nothing was. He stood in the middle of their bedroom wondering what the hell was going on. After about ten minutes or more, he was headed out the door to see if he could find her. When he opened the door, Keisha was walking up.
“Where the hell have you been?” Shelton yelled. Keisha didn’t say anything, just pushed him out of the way so she could get into the house. She headed straight to the bedroom.
“I know you heard me ask you where you have been,” Shelton said walking behind her. Keisha still didn’t say anything. She just grabbed her night clothes and headed to the shower and closed the door behind her. Shelton went to open the bathroom door but it was lock. He started beating on the door like a mad man screaming.
“Why in the fuck are you locking the doors and shit? Open this fucking door Keisha! You know I will kick this motherfucker, so open the damn door!” Shelton yelled as he beat on the door. Keisha just kept taking her shower like Shelton wasn’t there beating on the door. About twenty minutes later Keisha came out of the bathroom.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Shelton questioned. Keisha still wasn’t saying anything. Shelton walked up on Keisha like he was about to do something, but stopped cold in his tracks.
“I wish you would walk up on me like you crazy. I’m not in the mood for your shit right now, so if I were you, I would go get a shower and lay the fuck down,” Keisha stated just as calmly with a .32 in her hand; that she had just bought. She had it hidden when she walked in, so that it wouldn’t be seen. Shelton backed up and did just as Keisha suggested. He was shocked that she had a gun. He knew something was up, but at that moment he knew not to push his luck.
Shelton went and took a shower and cut his phone off. He didn’t want anything to set Keisha off. He knew that he was on thin ice, so the plan was to walk as lightly as possible.
It was time for Markel and Mary to go to the get together that Markel’s frat was having. Mary really didn’t want to go, but Markel was adamant about her going. To keep Markel from begging and wanting to know why she didn’t want to go, she just took a shower and slipped on a beige body dress that hugged her body good enough to show off her curves, with some beige and white four-inch heels. Markel had on a pair of khakis and a black V-neck t-shirt with some Aldo’s and they headed out. The whole ride it was the sounds of 96.1 FM station playing. Mary was trying to stay calm, because ever since her and Randy have been sneaking around, they haven’t been in the same room with their spouses. It was truly going to be interesting at how things would play out for sure. When they reached their destination, Markel looked over at Mary who was looking out the window.
“Are you okay?” Markel asked.
“Yeah, I’m good, why?” Mary replied slowly turning to look at Markel.
“You just seem out of it. You didn’t say a word the whole ride here,” Markel stated.
“Everything is good,” Mary lied.
“Are you sure you good?” Markel quizzed.
“Yes…now stop asking me that and let’s go,” Mary said as she opened the door to get out. Markel just looked at Mary and then he got out of the car.
The moment they walked in hand in hand, Mary quickly scanned the room to see if she could spot Randy. As soon as their eyes meet Mary let go of Markel’s hand. Markel look at Mary with the side eye but didn’t say anything. He looked up to see where Mary eyes had landed. When he seen that it was Randy and Mia he quickly waved for them to come over but kept a mental note of what had just took place.
“What’s up boy?” Markel said as he showed Randy some love.
“Nothing man, just checking out how everyone has changed over the years,” Randy replied.
“I know right. At least we still look the same,” Markel stated.
“Anyway girl, how are you?” Mia said to Mary while Markel and Randy have their own conversation.
“I’m good, just didn’t want to come here tonight,” Mary replied.
“Don’t feel bad, I didn’t want to come either,” Mia confessed.
“I could be home in my bed reading or watching Lifetime,” Mary stated.
“I know that’s right. What book are you reading?” Mia asked.
“Right now, I’m reading “Butta Brown” by Coco Mixon,” Mary answered.
“I know it has to be good, because she always drops dope books,” Mia said all happy like she just won the lottery.
“Yeah, I know, but every book that Creative Flow Publications drops is good, so you just can’t go wrong there,” Mary added.
“You are right because Valarie DeShazier’s pen game is the shit, and Stephanie Wilson is off the chain as well,” Mia added.
Mary and Mia stood there talking for a few minutes before Markel and Randy walked back up on them.
“What are you ladies talking about?” Markel asked as he put his arm around Mary. The look on Mary’s face was priceless. She looked at Randy and she could tell he didn’t like the fact that Markel had his arm around her.
While Randy was having the
ugly face of his own, Mia was wrapped under his arm. Mary returned the look to Randy. They both weren’t feeling what was going on, but there was nothing they could do. As the night goes on, everyone was laughing and talking and just having a good time. Well everyone but Mary and Randy. Randy saw his chance to get Mary alone when he noticed that she was headed to the restroom. He checked to see if anyone else was in there before he went in.
“What the hell are you doing?” Mary said as she walked out of the stall and noticed he was standing there.
“I just wanted to tell you that you look amazing,” Randy replied.
“You could have said that out there,” Mary stated as she pointed towards the door.
“Yeah, maybe so, but I wouldn’t be able to do this,” Randy said before he grabbed Mary by the face and kissed her like it was his last time he would be able to kiss anyone. Mary did kiss him back and it was getting heated, but Mary pulled back.
“We can’t do this here,” Mary said as she looked in the mirror trying to fix her lipstick.
“I know, but I couldn’t help myself. You know how I feel about you,” Randy confessed.
“I know, but both of our spouses are out there and most likely looking for us,” Mary stated.
“Let them look!” Randy yelled.
“Keep your voice down,” Mary snapped.
Randy wasn’t trying to hear all that. He was just in his feelings and wanted Mary. Seeing her with Markel just did something to him.
“I’m sick of this Mary. We need to tell them about us,” Randy spat.
“I know, but not now and truly not here.”
“So, when then…when? I don’t want to do this no more,” Randy stated.
“You don’t want to do what?” Mary questioned with a raised eyebrow.
“I don’t want to sneak around no more. I want us to really be together…out in the open,” Randy replied softly.
“Look, this is not the time or place to be talking about this. So, let’s go out there and just get through this night and talk about all this later,” Mary said not wanting to entertain what Randy just said.
Mary had her reasons as to why it wasn’t a good time for them to be open with their relationship. Mary was waiting for the right time to set everything off. She just needed Randy to hold his horses, because it wasn’t what he thought it was anyway. He was just a major piece of the puzzle.
“Okay, but we will talk about this Mary,” Randy stated.
“Yes, we will talk about it, but just not now,” Mary said giving him a kiss on the cheek and walking out of the restroom. Mary walked up to Markel and held his hand.
“Hey love…I thought I was going to have to come check on you, because you were gone so long,” Markel stated with a smile before kissing Mary on the lips.
“I was just talking to one of the ladies about how you guys get when you all get together,” she lied.
“Well it’s not going to be like that tonight,” Markel told her.
Just as the words came out of Markel’s mouth, they hear chanting. Drink…Drink…Drink…Drink coming from across the room. They looked around to see what was going on. One of the frat brothers was taking a bottle of gin to the head.
“So, what was that you were saying, Markel,” Mary asked. Markel couldn’t say anything, because he knew just how things were about to turn out, a lot of fun and some mad wives and girlfriends. Markel and Randy ended up so fucked up, that Mary and Mia had to get help to get them to the car. Mary and Mia let them stay in the car overnight, because they weren’t going to try and drag their asses into the house.
“Baldwin, I meant to ask you…where did you stepped off to when we were on the block yesterday?” Janet asked from the bathroom.
“Nowhere, I just stepped off to go take a leak,” Baldwin lied.
“Oh okay,” Janet replied.
“I’m surprised you even noticed I had stepped off,” Baldwin blurted out.
“I told you, I see and know everything,” Janet replied. “Anyway, I just couldn’t believe what I was seeing. These people in Quincy are something else. Baby, when I tell you, these are some two-faced and shady country ass people. You never know who to trust around here,” Janet added.
“Yeah, you right, you don’t know who to trust these days. It seems no one is really who they say they are. People will smile in your face and cut your throat at the same time.”
“You right about that,” Janet said as she peeped out the bathroom door to get a look at Baldwin. He was looking down at his phone, so he didn’t see her looking at him. Janet took a mental note to check his phone later. “So, what are we doing today?” Janet asked as she walked out of the bathroom.
“I don’t know what do you want to do?” Baldwin replied still not looking up from his phone.
“What’s on that phone that has you glued to it?” Janet questioned.
“Oh, nothing, just strolling on Facebook,” he replied as he closed out and put his phone down.
“Facebook…what are you doing on Facebook?” Janet asked.
“The same thing you do every day all day…be nosey,” Baldwin replied with a smirk.
“Yeah okay, Facebook,” Janet said rolling her eyes. Baldwin had a smirk on his face as he got up to get dressed.
“Where are you going?” Janet questioned.
“Oh, I have to run out for a second. I will be back,” Baldwin answered as he was putting on his shoes.
“Run out? Run out where?” Janet slightly yelled.
“Yes, run out,” Baldwin replied with a little base in his voice.
“Out where? Where are you going?” Janet quizzed as she walked up on him. “You don’t know anyone here, so the only place you could be going is to get something to eat,” she added.
“You don’t know who I know and I’m not going to get something to eat. So, like I said…I’m running out for a second and I will be back,” Baldwin stated very calmly, but stern at the same time.
Janet was lost for words. Baldwin had never spoken to her like that before. When Baldwin walked out the door, Janet sat down on the bed confused as to what had just taken place.
“Where could he be going? Who does he know here? I need to find out what he was doing on his phone. Something isn’t right and I need to find out what it is,” were the thoughts that went through Janet’s mind.
* * * * * * * * * *
“So, Renee’, what are you going to do,” Shay asked.
“I don’t know. All I know is your brother is nothing but a liar and I can’t handle that,” Renee’ replied.
“That may be true, but you guys are married. The both of you need to sit down and talk about what happens next,” Shay stated.
“Don’t know what to say to him. This whole time I thought it was just him and I, but it wasn’t. It was him, me and Blondie’s bitch ass,” Renee’s spat.
“I understand that you are upset, but I still say you and Leon need to talk,” Shay said shrugging her shoulders.
“I know…I guess I will call him later so we can talk,” Renee’ said taking a deep breath.
“Just don’t wait too long, cause the longer you wait the more you are going to get mad and just say fuck it,” Shay stated.
“Yeah okay, but anyway, tell me about last night bitch,” Renee’ said with a little up beat in her voice.
Renee’ didn’t want to talk about her and Leon anymore. She wanted details on Shay and her night out at the club.
“Bitch, why I went out last night and met this guy name Shawn,” Shay said rolling her eyes in the back of her head.
“Oooh bitch, you’re rolling your eyes and everything, so I know you have some tea,” Renee’ said wanting to hear more.
“He is so fucking fine. He is about five-foot-eight, caramel complexion. His eyes are light brown and you know I love bowlegged men,” Shay stated.
“So, what happened?” Renee’ asked.
“He bought us a few drinks and we danced, but after the club we went
to Lake Ella in Tallahassee. We sat down on a bench and just talked about any and everything,” Shay smiled while thinking about the night.
“Look at you, smiling and carrying on,” Renee’ joked.
“It was nice to meet a guy that is not out to just fuck and keep it pushing. He seems to be a very nice guy. When he brought me home he wasn’t trying to come in, but just wanted to make sure I got home safe,” Shay said with a serious face. Shay always wanted to meet a guy that wanted more out of life. It seemed that she would always meet guys that were all about what they could get from her. It was refreshing to meet someone that was a gentleman.
“So what type of work does he do?” Renee’ asked.
“He has his own detail business. He’s still trying to get things up and running like he wants, but he seems to have his head on his shoulder,” Shay replied.
“Okay, that’s what’s up. At least he’s trying to do something for himself and not looking for a hand out,” Renee’ mentioned.
“Yeah, and that’s the good thing, I don’t have to worry about him trying to play me for money. It seems like every dude I meet only wants to be with me because they know my family has money,” Shay said sadly.
“Well, does he know about you and your family?” Renee’ inquired.
“No, I don’t think so. He’s not from here. He’s from Richman, VA,” Shay informed Renee’.
“Good, that way the two of you can really get to know each other without the extra bullshit,” Renee’ said.
“Yeah, we’re supposed to go out tomorrow afternoon when he closes his shop,” Shay smiled.
“Where are you guys going?” Renee’ asked.
“I don’t know, he just said to be ready at eight,” Shay replied.
“Well, wear something sexy and I will come over and do your hair for you,” Renee’ said.
“Oh, you know I’m going to be sexy. I can’t let him see me jacked up just yet. I have to wait a good sixty days before I let him see me on my down days,” they both laughed. Renee’s phone started vibrating so she picked it up to see who was calling her. The look on her face told Shay right off who it was.