Two Faces 2: Mask Off: The Final Reveal Read online

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  “I can tell by your face that’s Leon calling,” Shay whispered.

  “Yup,” Renee’ replied shaking her head.

  “You know you two need to talk, so go ahead and answer,” Shay advised.

  Renee’ waited too long to answer, so her phone stopped vibrating.

  “Well, I guess it’s not time for us to talk right now,” Renee’ smirked which was short lived, because her phone was going off again.

  “Well, I guess you were wrong,” Shay joked.

  Renee’ answered the phone and talked to Leon for a few minutes. When she got off the phone she informed Shay that she had to go so she could meet up with Leon. The look on Renee’s face indicated that she wasn’t in the mood to be meeting up with Leon. Well, at least that’s what she made it seem like to Shay.


  “I don’t know what’s going on, but Terry has been on some other bullshit lately. He is coming in late, and going MIA on me; something is just not right. I know one thing…if I catch him with someone else, I’m going to prison,” Anthony said to himself. “Matter of fact, his ass was in such a rush to get out of here, he forgot his phone,” Anthony added as he picked up the phone. “This is not his phone. Whose phone is this?” Anthony questioned himself.

  Anthony quickly got dressed and headed out. He was riding all over town trying to think of what his next move was going to be. Plus, he was hoping that he would see Terry out somewhere. After an hour of riding round, Anthony’s eyes landed on Terry sitting outside, talking to some guy. Anthony hit the brakes so fast that his tires were smoking. He pulled into the parking lot so fast that he almost hit an elderly woman walking by.

  “What the fuck is going on here?” Anthony yelled as he jumped out of the car.

  “Don’t come up here with all that!” Terry yelled back.

  “What the hell is all this about?” Anthony questioned as he pointed to Terry and the guy he was sitting with.

  “I don’t want any problems,” the guy said.

  “It’s too late for all that, because we have some problems,” Anthony informed him.

  “Anthony, you need to calm down and take all that base out of your voice,” Terry stated.

  “Calm down…calm down…what the fuck you mean calm down?” Anthony ranted.

  “Yes, I said calm down. You are making a damn scene for no damn reason. If you want to know something, just ask, but all this carrying on is not needed,” Terry said with his hand waving.

  “Well tell me what’s going on then,” Anthony said as he took a seat.

  Terry and the guy he was with sat back down so they all could talk. Terry gathered himself, took a sip of whatever he was drinking, looked at Anthony and rolled his eyes.

  “I’m waiting,” Anthony blurted out.

  “Well, keep waiting,” Terry spat back.

  “Look Terry, if there’s going to be problems I can just hit you up later,” the other guy stated.

  “No, it’s not going to be any problems, because there is no reason to have any problems,” Terry replied as he looked at Anthony.

  “No, there will be problems if I don’t get any answers soon,” Anthony added.

  “Good, let’s get you filled in as to what’s going on, being that you’re trying to ride up on people,” Terry said smartly as he looked at Anthony with the side eye.

  Anthony had a look on his face that let Terry know that he would do it again if he had to. Just the thought of Terry with someone else would drive Anthony into a crazy man. Deep down Terry knew Anthony wasn’t wrapped to tight, but neither was he for that matter.

  “Well first, let me introduce you two. Anthony my love, this is Baldwin…Baldwin, this is my baby Anthony, the one you are helping me for,” Terry said.

  “Helping you…helping you do what?” Anthony asked.

  “To get your money back,” Baldwin announced.

  “To get my money back…what? What are you talking about?” Anthony questioned.

  “We are talking about the money that Janet weaseled you out of,” Terry stated.

  “How are going to do that?” Anthony inquired.

  “Just leave everything to me and Baldwin,” Terry smiled.

  “I’m on the inside. She thinks I’m some toy of hers. I’m just playing the game and getting information,” Baldwin informed Anthony.

  “I don’t see how you are going to get anything from her. She’s tight with money and she will never leave any information around for you to get a hold of,” Anthony said to Baldwin.

  “Just leave that to me. I’m a lot wiser than people think,” Baldwin laughed.

  Baldwin was very good at getting people to trust him and then sticking it to them. In Baldwin’s eyes, Janet was easier than he thought she would be. His plan was to use the fact that she is so damn nosey against her.

  “I guess,” Anthony said shaking his head.

  “Janet is so busy in everyone else’s business that she wouldn’t see it coming,” Baldwin said.

  “So, what is the plan?” Anthony asked.

  “Well the plan is to get Janet off her game. We are going to give her the last cup of tea that she will ever have,” Terry replied with a smile.

  “While she is doing what she does best, that is sticking her nose in everyone’s business. Once she takes the bait I will be draining her account,” Baldwin stated.

  “I don’t see it. Janet will smell this a mile away,” Anthony said.

  “Just leave that to me. I have her right where I want her,” Baldwin smirked.

  “I guess…all I know is the two of you better know what you are doing, because Janet is always on her shit,” Anthony said trying to warn Baldwin and Terry.

  After about ten more minutes of them sitting there, Baldwin left and headed back to the house where he left Janet.

  “Why are you trying to do this? Just let it go, because I have,” Anthony stated.

  “It’s like this; Janet has always been in everyone’s business and always seems to capitalize on it. Have you ever asked yourself how in the hell Janet knew about Shanna and Terrance running off together?” Terry questioned.

  “Because she’s nosey as hell,” Anthony replied, but thought about what Terry had just said.

  “Yeah, she is nosey but we are going to use that to help us,” Terry informed Anthony.

  “How did she know all that?” Anthony asked.

  “Janet is the master mind behind all the drama that goes on around here,” Terry spat.

  “How is that?” Anthony asked confused.

  “Okay, check this out…Janet and Shanna have the same father which makes them sisters. I see the look on your face, so let me explain. They didn’t find out until after they were well grown. So anyway, Janet knew all about Shanna having Markel thinking that Renee’ was hers and his child,” Terry informed Anthony.

  “Wait…wait…so you are telling me that Janet and Shanna are sisters because they have the same father,” Anthony asked.

  “Yes, that would be correct. Make sure you add in that, that Janet used the money that she took from you to help Shanna and Terrance skip town,” Terry added.

  The information that Terry was informing Anthony was just mind blowing. Anthony was wondering to himself, how he didn’t know any of what was being said in all the years he was married to Janet.

  “Why? Why would she do that? Hell, why didn’t Shanna and Terrance just stay and deal with whatever the outcome was going to be?” Anthony quizzed.

  “Listen, it was just easier for them to leave so that way it all wouldn’t come out about Janet’s two-faced ass. She was Keisha’s friend and Mary’s, and that bitch knew everything that went on. Plus, this will be my way to get even with that bitch,” Terry spat.

  “Why? What did she do to you?”

  “I told you she was behind everything that went on. She is the reason I had to bury Terrance twin brother, Torrance in Mary’s backyard. She called Devon and everything. That bitch must be taken down and I am just the right one to do i
t,” Terry said with anger in his voice.

  “How in the hell did you find out all this anyway?” Anthony asked.

  “Baby, in this life we are everywhere. From courtrooms, to bathrooms, we always get the tea,” Terry said as he snapped his fingers.


  “I didn’t think you were going to show up,” Leon said as Renee’ walked up to his table.

  “I started not to, but here I am. What is it that you think you need to say to me?” Renee’ asked dryly.

  “First, I want to say that I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for any of this to happen,” Leon pleaded.

  “You were fucking her right?” Renee’ asked.

  “Yes,” Leon replied after a pause.

  “So, then you meant to make this happen,” Renee’ spat.

  “I promise I didn’t,” Leon stated.

  “Promise!!! Promise!!! Really, you’re going to use the word promise. Boy, you don’t even know what the word promise means,” Renee’ said as she rolled her eyes.

  “I’m sorry for all this, but we are married and we should try and work this out,” Leon said.

  “Don’t remind me. I know that we are married. How could I forget the day that every girl dreams of? To marry the man that she loves and find out he has a baby on the way at the same time,” Renee’ stated.

  “What can we do to move on from this?” Leon inquired.

  “I don’t know, you’re the one that made this mess, so you have to be the one to clean it all up,” Renee’ replied as she folded her arms. In Renee’s mind she wasn’t going to try and think of anything to fix things, being that she wasn’t the one to cause it.

  “I’m going to do everything in my power to take care of all this,” Leon told Renee’.

  “Look, the fact is you have a baby on the way by Blondie and I don’t want to deal with her. She is your problem not mine. You’re going to have to find a way to keep her far away from me,” Renee’ stated.

  “I will make sure she doesn’t be on the same street that you are on. Just give me a chance to make things right,” Leon pleaded.

  “I don’t care what you do, but whatever you do it better be soon. Just as fast as we got married, our divorce will be just as fast, if not faster,” Renee’ said as she got up and left.

  Leon didn’t know what he was going to do, but he knew he had to do something and fast. The sad part of all of this, is Renee’ was banking on Leon to make the only move he could make, and that was call and have a sit down talk with Blondie.

  “Hello,” Blondie said into the phone.

  “Leon should be calling you in a few minutes,” Renee’ spoke into the phone.

  “Hell, in a few, that fool is calling me now,” Blondie stated. They both laughed because Leon was too predictable.

  “Well, you know what to do, so call me later and let me know how things went,” Renee’ replied.

  “Okay, you know I am,” Blondie said before ending the call.

  Renee’s plan to work Leon over was working. It was just a matter of time before everything came full circle. Leon had no idea what was about to happen.

  * * * * * * * * * *

  “Girl I don’t know what the hell has gotten into Baldwin, but whatever it is, I’m not with it,” Janet spoke into the phone.

  “What has or is he doing?” Shanna laughed.

  “It’s not funny. Something is wrong with his ass. This dumb motherfucker is walking around here like he just found out where his balls were,” Janet ranted.

  “Calm down and tell me what happened,” Shanna said laughing.

  Shanna knew it was just a matter of time that Baldwin was going to get tired of Janet talking to him any kind of way. She just didn’t think it was going to take as long as it did.

  “Okay, first, the other day we were on the block and he stepped off for a minute, no big deal. Now today, he’s all on his phone and not paying me any attention,” Janet stated.

  “Okay, maybe he just wasn’t in the mood to hear all about everyone else’s business. Not everyone is all into other’s affairs like you are,” Shanna joked.

  “Whatever…my nosey ass in everyone’s business helped you slide out of here and the reason you are here now. If I wouldn’t have told you that Renee’ was finishing school and getting married you wouldn’t have known,” Janet said in a matter of fact tone.

  “You right, but why are you worried about Baldwin. He is harmless you have nothing to worry about,” Shanna stated.

  “I don’t know, because he left without telling me where he was going. It was like he was someone else,” Janet said with uncertainty in her voice.

  “Trust me, Baldwin isn’t going anywhere or doing anything outside of doing whatever you want him to do,” Shanna insured her.

  “Yeah, he does do whatever I say,” Janet laughed.

  “Girl he might just needed some air. Don’t even sweat Baldwin’s dumb ass,” Shanna stated.

  “You right, I’m tripping. I have him wrapped around my pinky. Well, speaking of it now…it’s walking in the door, so I will talk to you later,” Janet said before ending the call.

  Janet couldn’t even hang the phone up good before she started with Baldwin.

  “Where have you been?” Janet questioned.

  “I just went out for some fresh air, that’s all,” Baldwin lied.

  “Yeah, whatever,” Janet mumbled.

  Baldwin just laughed to himself, because he knew Janet was upset about him leaving. It was like she was playing into his hands. One thing Baldwin learned, is that Janet doesn’t like when things don’t go her way. When things didn’t go the way Janet wants it to, she seemed to come off her game a little; trying to find out why things weren’t going her way. Baldwin had planned to use that to get him the info that he needed.

  * * * * * * * * * *

  “Who are you on the phone with?” Terrance questioned as he walked up on Shanna.

  “I was on the phone with Janet, but not anymore,” Shanna replied.

  “Oh okay,” Terrance said walking off from Shanna.

  “Why? Who did you think I was on the phone with?” Shanna quizzed.

  “I didn’t know that’s why I asked,” Terrance replied as he walked into the bathroom.

  Shanna was trying to wrap her head around how she ended up in the place she was in. How did a beautiful love affair turn into a Freddy Krueger nightmare? Shanna wanted out but didn’t know how to get out. She knew telling Janet was out of the question. As Shanna thought more and more about it, she finally came up with the perfect way of getting out the deadly relationship that she was in.


  Mary awakened at four in the morning to the sounds of her phone going off. She looked over at Markel who was sound asleep. Mary eased out of bed and went out on the patio out back, so that Markel wouldn’t hear her on the phone.

  “Hello,” Mary spoke into the phone.

  “Did I wake you up?” Randy asked in a low tone.

  “What the hell do you think? Yes, you woke me up. It’s four in the damn morning, of course I was sleep,” Mary replied.

  “I’m sorry,” Randy stated.

  “If you were sorry you wouldn’t have called me, so what is it that you want at four in the damn morning?” Mary quizzed.

  “I want to see you,” Randy answered.

  “You want to see who?” Mary snapped.

  “I want to see you,” Randy replied.

  Mary took the phone from her ear and looked at it. She was like did this motherfucker just say what I think he said.

  “Not at no damn four in the morning you don’t,” Mary said.

  “Why not?” Randy asked sadly.

  “Because it’s four in the morning for one, and for two, if Markel wakes up and I’m not here…well let’s just say I don’t want to deal with all that,” Mary said.

  “I really need to see you,” Randy pleaded.

  “What for? What’s going on that you need to see me?” Mary asked.

  “I just want to hold
you in my arms,” Randy replied.

  “I’ll tell you what…go lay your ass down and hold on to your pillow and pretend that it’s me,” Mary instructed.

  “It’s not the same,” Randy said.

  “I don’t know what to tell you. I do know I’m going back to bed and will talk to you later,” Mary said before she hung up the phone not giving Randy time to reply. “What the hell is wrong with him? Did he really think I was going to meet him somewhere at four in the damn morning? He had to have bumped his head or something. I might have to cut him off sooner than I thought. I can’t deal with this shit,” Mary ranted to herself. Mary eased back in the bed without waking Markel up.

  About two hours later

  “Mary…Mary…Mary wake up!” Markel yelled as he shook her.

  “What is it Markel?” Mary asked as she opened her eyes.

  “You were talking in your sleep,” Markel answered her.

  “What was I saying?” Mary asked hoping she didn’t say something that was going to reveal the affair that her and Randy had going on.

  “You were saying something about getting back at some bitch. The tone that you had was one I had never heard before,” Markel stated.

  “I don’t know what I was dreaming,” Mary lied.

  “Well whatever it was, you were out for blood on someone,” Markel said looking at Mary with the side eye.

  Mary was hoping that she didn’t say a name while she was talking in her sleep. Markel couldn’t find out what was going on until later. Mary had been hiding something that she didn’t want anyone to know. She knew at some point it was going to have to be brought to light. She just wanted to be the one to turn the light on it. It had taken Mary two years to finally get herself to the place she was at with her plans, so now wasn’t the time for anything to be revealed or any slip-ups.

  “Mary, what are you thinking about?” Markel asked.

  “What are you talking about?” Mary replied.

  “I was asking you a question but you were somewhere else. What are you thinking about that has you spaced the hell out?” Markel questioned.

  “I’m still half sleep…you did just wake me up,” Mary said thinking quick on her feet.