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Two Faces 2: Mask Off: The Final Reveal Page 3
Two Faces 2: Mask Off: The Final Reveal Read online
Page 3
“I missed the last one, but I’m not going to miss this one,” Janet whispered to Baldwin.
“You are something else. Who goes to a function looking to see drama?” Baldwin said.
“I do,” Janet replied. “It’s always drama in Quincy, and I am always ready to see it,” she added.
I heard about how nosey Janet was, but never did I think she was as nosey as she was.
“You owe me an ass whooping? What, you didn’t get enough yesterday or something?” Mary asked as she was walking up on Shanna.
Markel and Terrance tried to get in between them, but it didn’t work. Mary reached around Markel and snatched Shanna’s wig off. It was on after that. There was no stopping them then. It took damn near everyone to pull them two apart. It was like their lives depended on them to win. It was hair, nails and titties everywhere.
* * * * * * * * * *
“Talk to me Renee’,” Leon pleaded outside of Renee’s apartment.
“Go away because there is nothing to talk about!” Renee’ yelled from inside the apartment.
“Come on, open up so we can talk.”
Leon was just hoping that Renee’ would open the door so he could tell her his side of the story. It really wasn’t what she thought. It was more to the story and he needed to tell her that. Renee’ wasn’t having it, she didn’t want to talk to or see Leon at that moment.
“Renee’ will you open the door so we can talk. It’s not how you think it is,” Leon continued to plead.
“If you don’t leave I will call the police. So, if I were you I would leave, because you and I both know that you don’t want to see the police right now. So, just leave please so you don’t have to go through all of that.”
Leon thought about what she said and knew she was right, so he left. The drive back to his parents’ house was a long one, even though it only took him twenty-five minutes.
Renee’ sat in the middle of her bed, still in her wedding dress trying to understand how she could have been so dumb. She allowed a few tears to roll down her face. She was thinking of a way that she was going to get the two of them back for making her look dumb in front of her family and friends, not to mention people she didn’t even know.
“I can’t believe what just took place.”
“Well believe it, because it did happen.”
“Thank you for not being a cop. I don’t think no one would be able to handle it if anyone went to jail,” Keisha said to Shelton.
“I was off duty, so there was no need to add fuel to the fire,” Shelton replied.
“Well enough of that, do you want anything to eat?” Keisha asked.
“What I want to eat you can’t get it out the kitchen,” Shelton joked.
“You so nasty,” Keisha said shaking her head.
“I thought you liked the fact that I was nasty,” Shelton said as he grabbed Keisha around her waist and pulled her to him.
They started kissing and loving on each other and was in a heated moment, when their two-year-old, Jada, walked in and asked for some juice. They both looked at each other and back at Jada who was just standing there looking so innocent, with her big brown eyes.
“I’ll get her some juice, you just be ready for me when I get back,” Shelton said before walking out the room. As soon as Shelton left the room Keisha’s phone rung, she picked it up to see who it was. It wasn’t a number that was in her contacts, so she didn’t answer it and allowed it to go to voicemail. Her phone rang again and it was the same number. Keisha started not to answer, but something told her to go ahead and answer.
“Hello,” Keisha spoke into the phone.
“May I speak to Shelton please,” a female’s voice said on the other end.
“Who is this?” Keisha questioned with the stank face as if the female could see her.
“Is he there or not?” the female fired back.
“I repeat…who is this?”
“Who I am is not important. I will call back later, but make sure you tell him I called,” the female replied.
“If you don’t tell me your name, I can’t say you called for him,” Keisha said trying to bait the female into saying who she was.
“He knows, so just tell him to call me A.S.A.P.,” the female said before hanging up on Keisha.
“I can’t believe some bitch just called my phone asking for my husband. It’s my cell phone at that. Who the hell was that bitch and how the fuck did she get my damn number anyway?” Keisha thought to herself.
“Okay, now back to you my love,” Shelton said as he walked back in their bedroom with a big smile on his face.
Shelton knew something had to be wrong by the look on Keisha’s face. “What’s wrong? You’re looking at me like you want to do some harm to me,” he said as he sat down on the bed next to Keisha.
“Some female called my phone asking for you. So, do you want to tell me what’s going on?” she replied with a serious look and tone.
“What do you mean some female called your phone looking for me?” he replied.
“Don’t play with me Shelton. Just tell me who and why some bitch is calling my phone asking for you,” Keisha said as she stood up looking in Shelton’s eyes.
“I have no idea who that could have been. Whoever it was had to be looking for another Shelton, because I don’t know who this female is,” he stated.
“Really, that’s the lie you’re going to tell me?”
“I promise you baby, I don’t know who it could be,” he replied as he tried to grab her hand. Keisha pulled away so he couldn’t touch her.
“Save the bullshit and just be straight with me.”
“I am being straight with you. I don’t know who this woman is,” he said trying to convince her he was telling the truth.
“Yeah okay, but just know that the cookie jar is closed until I find out who that bitch is,” Keisha stated before heading to the shower.
Shelton just sat there thinking who it could be that would call Keisha’s phone.
“I’m not sure who it was, but I do plan on getting to the bottom of this. I can’t have my home in a mess because a bitch wants to play games. I need to end this quick,” Shelton said to himself.
When Keisha got out of the shower, Shelton was not in the room. She didn’t even call out his name or even cared where he was. All she was thinking about was finding out who was that bold bitch that called her phone. Keisha was truly hoping that she wasn’t about to go through the same shit with Shelton as she did with Terrance.
* * * * * * * * * *
“Janet, I can’t believe you only went to the wedding in hopes to see if it was going to be any drama,” Baldwin stated.
“Well believe it, because it’s always something around here and I be needing to know what it is,” she replied.
“I can’t with you,” he said shaking his head.
“You can shake your head all you want. Plus, if you didn’t know, you know now that I am like the CNN news…I be up on it,” she smirked.
“Well Mrs. CNN, come on over here so I can give you some news to report,” Baldwin smirked.
Of course, Janet’s freaky ass slid over to him and allowed him to give her the best news that she had in a long time. They fell asleep in each other’s arms.
They woke up the next morning to the sounds of a loud crash outside of their house. Janet quickly jumped up to see what was going on. When she looked out her window, she saw what she would have never dreamed, but just the “Tea” that she was ready for.
“What’s going on baby?” Baldwin asked.
“Randy just wrecked his car, but you will never guess who is in the car with him,” Janet said still looking out of the window.
“Who baby?”
“You have to see this for yourself,” Janet replied waving him to come see for himself.
When he reached the window to see what was going on, his eyes got big as a monkey’s ass. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing.
��I can’t believe Mary is with him,” Baldwin stated as he walked away from the window.
“I knew Mary wasn’t as sweet as she wanted people to think she was,” Janet said still standing at the window.
“I can’t believe she is with Randy of all people,” Baldwin said shaking his head.
“Well, I guess Markel is not putting it down like he used to,” Janet stated as she walked back over to the bed. “When Markel get wind of this, all hell is going to break loose. I just want to be there when it does,” she added.
“Why do you like drama so much?” Baldwin asked not understanding.
“I wouldn’t say I like drama, but I enjoy the tea I get and see,” Janet replied.
“I guess. So, how long do you think they have been messing around?” Baldwin inquired.
“I don’t know, but from the looks of things it’s been going on for a while,” Janet said with a look that read, I can’t wait until it’s out in the open, and smirks.
Quincy wasn’t but so big, so it was just a matter of time before it did come out. The question I was asking myself, was do these so-called friends have any respect for themselves or others? It was like they lived to two-face and cut-throat motherfuckers. I wanted to just say fuck it and not write the story, but something inside me was just as nosey and wanted to know more, so of course I continued.
Renee’ woke up to a knock on the door. She slowly opened the door to see Shay standing there. She walked away from the door and Shay walked in and closed the door behind her.
“Are you okay?” Shay asked even though she knew the answer.
“No, I’m not okay. After moments of me saying I do, I find out that Leon is having a baby by that stank ass bitch, Blondie,” Renee’ ranted.
“I don’t think it’s true,” Shay said not sure if she believed it herself.
“If it wasn’t true he would have spoken up then, but he didn’t. He just stood there looking like a bitch. I can’t believe he would do this to me,” Renee’ stated.
“I know, but what are you going to do?” Shay asked.
“I don’t know what I’m going to do, but I can’t be married to him,” Renee’ replied.
Renee’ didn’t want to be married to Leon, but she was. My heart went out to Renee’, but then again, being a woman, she should have known something wasn’t right.
“So, are you thinking of divorcing him?” Shay asked.
“I can’t be with someone that lies and cheats. He’s about to have a baby by that bitch. I will not have that child in my house. I just can’t do it and will not do it,” Renee’ ranted.
“I get that you are upset, but you have to think this through. Whatever you do don’t do anything that you will regret,” Shay advised.
“I know that’s your brother and all, but he ain’t shit. This whole time he has been fucking around on me with that loose pussy bitch. I didn’t do anything to deserve that. I’m done and that’s the end of that,” Renee’ said as she walked over to the door to let Shay out.
As Shay was walking out of the door she stopped and looked at Renee’, but Renee’ just looked away.
* * * * * * * * * *
“Damn I can’t believe this shit. My fucking car is totaled. Mia is going to freak the fuck out,” Randy said as he paced back and forth.
“You need to calm down,” Mary said to him.
“Calm down…calm down. Do you know that shit is about to get real once Markel and Mia get a wind of this!” Randy yelled.
“Who said anything about them finding out,” Mary fired back.
Mary knew that whatever her and Randy had going on could never get back to Markel. It would not be a good thing for anyone. It would be the end of her marriage and life for Randy, and she didn’t want any of that to take place. Mary also knew that Mia wouldn’t be able to take it being that she is going through some health issues right now.
“Once I report this to my insurance company Mia is going to ask questions,” Randy replied.
“You so damn slow. If she does ask questions, just say you lost control of the wheel. You only say what you need to and nothing more,” Mary said rolling her eyes.
“Mia can always tell when I’m lying,” Randy stated all nervous.
“Well, I guess you need to work on that. Neither you, nor I, can allow them to know any damn thing. I have my lie together so you need to get yours,” Mary stated as she was calling herself a cab.
Randy just stood there looking dumb as to what he was going to do. After about ten minutes of waiting, Mary’s cab showed up. After Mary left, Randy finally called his insurance company and they sent him a tow truck. Nervous and being scared was an understatement to what Randy’s emotions were going through.
* * * * * * * * * *
“Wake up Keisha!” Shelton yelled.
“What the hell are you yelling for?” Keisha asked as she jumped up.
“It’s time to take Jada to daycare and I have to be at work in twenty minutes,” Shelton informed her.
“Why did you let me sleep so late? You always do this shit and then be looking at me like I’m the one that is causing you to be late,” Keisha ranted.
“I’m just saying that you need to take Jada, because I can’t this morning,” Shelton said.
Keisha just rolled her eyes and went into the bathroom to get herself together so she could take Jada to school. Shelton wasn’t really running late for work…he was making a pit stop on his way to work. Shelton kissed Keisha on the cheek before he left. He was headed to handle the damage that was taking place within his home. There was no way he was going to allow anyone to cause his home to be in an uproar.
Twenty Minutes Later
“What the hell are you knocking on my door like that for?” the female questioned as she opened the door.
“Fuck that, why in the fuck are you calling my wife? What the fuck is wrong with you?” Shelton questioned.
“So that’s the only reason you came over here was to ask me why I called your sweet little wife?” she replied.
Shelton pushed her to the side so he could walk in. He was not in a playing mood. He was there to make it clear that calling his wife was the wrong move and he wasn’t going to deal with it.
“Why would you call her? What do you think that’s going to prove?” Shelton inquired.
“You don’t seem to have time for me anymore. I just needed you to come over and give me some time as well,” she ranted.
“Look London, I don’t have time for these little games you are playing. I told you once that I will never leave my wife for you,” Shelton spat.
“I was here before her, so how it is that she got the ring and not me. I thought you loved me…well that’s what you said. I know otherwise now…don’t I,” London said with love and anger in her voice.
Shelton stood there looking at the five-foot-five-inch frame that stood in front of him. London was well built for her height. Her skin complexion was a milky white, her eyes were blue and grayish, her hair was sandy brown that reached just a little past her shoulders. She had hips and ass I guess for a white girl. Shelton had been dealing with London for over ten years. They had three kids together, one boy and two girls…Brooklynn (8), Paris (6) and Logan (4). Shelton loved London but not enough to marry her. He was a great father to their kids, but they were a hidden family that he wanted to stay hidden.
“I do love you London,” Shelton said.
“How could you marry her and not me?” London cried.
“Don’t I make sure you and the kids have everything that you all need?” Shelton asked.
“Yes, you do,” London replied.
“Okay, then stop with all the extra bullshit. You already know why things are the way they are. You calling my wife isn’t going to make anything better, but worse. Just chill and relax,” Shelton said calmly.
“I want you here with me and the kids. We have been together for over ten years and you just up and married
someone else is just heartbreaking,” London said with tears in her eyes.
Shelton knew she was right. They had been together for a long time and have three kids together. Shelton comes from one of those type of families that believes if she can’t use your comb, don’t bring her home. If his family knew that he was with a white woman, it wouldn’t be good. And to add that he has three kids by her, well that is something different. Shelton just wasn’t ready then or now to let that secret out of the bag.
“Look…I got you and the kids. I will always make sure that you and the kids have everything that you all need,” Shelton said as he pulled her into a hug. “I have to go to work, so are you good?” he continued.
London just shook her head up and down as a way of saying yes. She wiped the tears from her eyes and stepped back from Shelton.
“I will come by later after I get off work and spend some time with you and the kids,” Shelton said as he walked to the door to leave.
Even though Shelton loved Keisha, a part of him was still with London. He never meant to hurt London and his kids, but he knew that they wouldn’t last once everyone knew about them. Shelton was in between a rock and a hard place when it came to London. One thing for sure, London and the kids didn’t want for anything.
“What the hell is your problem?” Leon questioned as he walked into Blondie’s house.
“Don’t be coming in here questioning me like you run something,” Blondie snapped back.
“You are a piece of work. Why the hell would you pull that shit on my fucking wedding day?” Leon yelled as he walked up to Blondie.
“You need to back up off me,” Blondie said pushing Leon.
“You must have lost your fucking mind. I know fucking well you didn’t just put your fucking hands on me,” Leon said through gritted teeth. He hit Blondie so hard that she flew backwards. “You better hope your little stunt didn’t fuck nothing up with me and Renee’ or it’s going to be me and you for real,” he added before he walked out of the door.
Blondie slowly got herself up off the floor and sat on her couch. She held her face thinking how Leon had just hit her. He had never hit her before. Well he did once or twice when he was drunk, but for him to hit her at that moment caused Blondie to feel that she had just woken up a demon that she never knew of.