Two Faces 2: Mask Off: The Final Reveal Read online

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  When Leon left Blondie’s, he headed over to Renee’s. When he pulled up he sat in his car for a few minutes before he got out. Once at the door he gathered his self together before knocking on the door. He could hear movement inside so he knew that she was in there.

  “I can hear you in there moving around. Open the door Renee’ so we can talk!” he yelled through the door.

  “What do you want?” Renee’ asked as she opened the door slowly.

  “We need to talk,” he replied.

  “Talk about what, Leon?” Renee’ stated as she walked away from the door.

  “About us,” Leon said as he walked in and closed the door behind him.

  Leon followed Renee’ into the kitchen where he caught eyes with Shay, who he wasn't thinking was going to be there.

  “What are you doing here?” Leon asked Shay.

  “The question is, why are you here?” Renee’ said before Shay was able to respond.

  “Shay you need to leave so I can talk to my wife,” Leon said.

  “This is my house not yours and I’m only your wife on paper, but not for long,” Renee’ interjected.

  Shay just sat there sipping on her drink not saying a word. She knew Leon was so deep in his own shit, that he had no room to ask her to leave.

  “I’m just saying, we need to talk in private,” Leon stated.

  “What is there to talk about? Plus, your little side hoe made sure nothing was private remember,” Renee’ said with just enough base in her voice, to let it be known that she wasn’t in the mood for the bullshit.


  “Don’t baby me now…I wasn’t baby when you were out making babies with your little hood rat, now was I?” Renee’ spat.

  “It’s not like you think,” Leon said.

  “How do you know what the fuck I’m thinking? It doesn’t even matter what I’m thinking anyway now, does it,” Renee’ said as she rolled her eyes again and sat down at the table with Shay.

  “It does matter what you are thinking,” Leon stated.

  “What do you want Leon? We have nothing to talk about. You are about to have a kid with Blondie and all the time telling me you love me. I was a fool, but I will not be anymore. You can leave and not come back,” Renee’ told him.

  “Just hear me out,” Leon pleaded.

  Renee’ didn’t say anything, but just sipped on her drink without giving Leon a second look.

  “I can’t believe you Leon. Why would you do this to Renee’?” Shay asked.

  “I didn’t mean to,” Leon cried.

  “So, you didn’t mean to fall and stick your dick into Blondie’s pussy,” Shay said with a confused look on her face.

  “My point,” Renee’ added.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for any of this to happen,” Leon said.

  “It doesn’t matter what you meant to do. The fact is, you were fucking around with that bitch the whole time we’ve been together. I just can’t believe you are having a kid with that bitch. To top it off, the bitch came to our wedding and made it known that the two of you will always be,” Renee’ said before getting up and walking out of the kitchen, straight to her room and slammed the door behind her.

  “Damn!” Leon yelled out.

  “You did this to yourself dear brother,” Shay told him as she shook her head.

  “Fuck man. Sis I didn’t mean for this to happen,” Leon stated.

  “Well the question is what you are going to do now. Renee’ is the best thing that has happened to you. I don’t know how, but you need to make this right and fast,” Shay said as she got up and place her cup in the sink.

  “I don’t know what to do,” Leon confessed.

  “I don’t either, but you better think of something and fast,” Shay said as she patted his shoulder before walking past him.

  Leon stood there for a second or two before heading towards the door to leave. He didn’t know what he was going to do, but he knew he couldn’t lose Renee’ over a slip up on his part. Meanwhile, Renee’ was in her room making a few calls of her own. Renee’ wasn’t going to sit around and wait things out, she was going to handle things her way. It seemed as if everyone was on some get backbiting type shit, because Shay was making some calls of her own. Shay looked at Renee’ as her sister and she wasn’t going to allow no one to hurt her and that included her brother.

  With the three of them trying to handle things their own way, could only mean all hell was about to break loose.


  “Hey baby,” Markel said as soon as he walked into the house.

  “Hey yourself,” Mary smiled.

  “How was your day? Have you heard from Renee’?” Markel asked.

  Markel was worried about Renee’. He knew the past few days had been rough for her. It was hard on him knowing that his baby girl was going through so much and there was nothing he could do about it.

  “My day was good. Just did some cleaning and no I haven’t heard from Renee’, Mary lied but told the truth at the same time. “How was work?”

  “Work was work. Still trying to get the county to approve the new zoning for schools,” Markel replied dryly.

  “They’re still giving you a hard time about it?” Mary asked.

  “Yeah, and I’m about sick of it. I have never seen a group of people like this in my life. This country ass, back wood motherfuckers do not like change. Change is good. It’s not like they are being asked to add more dope hoes…hell, I might be more successful if that was the case,” Markel spat.

  Markel was all about change. He wanted things to be better for the city of Quincy. It was hard work but he wasn’t going to give on it.

  “Just calm down and don’t bring that shit up in here. I know I asked you how work was but don’t bring all that negative energy up in here,” Mary said while giving Markel the side eye.

  “My bad baby…it’s just they are driving me crazy and I just want to slap they ass just one good time,” Markel replied as he gave Mary a kiss on the cheek.

  As soon as Markel went in the bedroom, Mary texted Randy to see if everything was good with him. Randy responded that everything was good on his end. He did let her know that he was questioned about what happen to the car, but other than that it was all good for him. Mary was about to get up and go into the kitchen, but stopped when she noticed that she still had Randy’s necklace with the frat symbol on it. It would not have been a good outcome if Markel saw it. Markel and Randy were in the same frat in college…they are line brothers. Just as Mary took off the neckless, Markel came out of the bedroom. Mary jumped like she was about to run for safety.

  “What’s wrong with you?” Markel asked.

  “Nothing, why?” Mary replied.

  “You jumped like you was about to run or something,” Markel stated.

  “No, I’m good. Where are you about to go?” Mary asked trying to change the subject, which was a good idea for her sake.

  “Out to the car to get some papers that I need,” Markel answered still wondering what was going on with Mary. The fact that she jumped had him giving her the side eye.

  “Oh okay…well go ahead. I’m about to go in the kitchen to fix me a snack. Do you want something?” Mary asked.

  “No, I’m good baby,” Markel said before walking out the door.

  He left the door halfway open, which made Mary peak out to see just what Markel was doing. All she saw was him going to his car to retrieve some papers. Mary went into the kitchen to fix her a tuna sandwich.

  “Baby!” Markel yelled as he walked back in the house.

  “I’m in the kitchen!” Mary yelled back.

  “I just got a text saying that the frat is having a little get together,” Markel said as he walked into the kitchen.

  “Is that right,” Mary replied as if she didn’t know that already. She knew about it, because Randy had told her already. She had to play it off as if she didn’t know.

  “Yeah…I think it’s going to be nice to see everyone. Wel
l I see Randy all the time, but to see everyone hanging out like the old days,” Markel beamed with excitement.

  “I hope you have fun,” Mary said walking past him.

  “You are going too, right?” Markel asked following her.

  “You don’t need to me go with you,” Mary stated with a look of I’m not going no damn where on her face.

  “Everyone is bringing their wife or girlfriend and it would be nice if you went with me,” Markel said sitting down next to Mary on the couch.

  Mary just looked at him while she took a bite of her sandwich. She really didn’t know what to say, so she said nothing. There were many reasons why Mary didn’t want to go. She couldn’t tell Markel that so, she just nodded her head.

  “It’s going to be fun,” Markel smiled as he kissed Mary on her forehead.

  * * * * * * * * * *

  “Terry! …Terry! …Terry!” Anthony yelled as he walked through the house. “Where the hell is he? This is not like him to not be home during this time of the day. I wonder where he is?” Anthony spoked to himself.

  After calling Terry’s phone and not getting an answer, Anthony texted Terry in hope that he would get a response back.

  At 5:15 pm: “Where are you?”

  At 5:25 pm: “Why are you not answering your phone or texting me back?”

  Anthony was getting upset with the fact that Terry wasn’t answering or texting him back. The more he thought about it the more he would text or call.

  At 5:30 pm: “I hope you’re okay.”

  At 5:55 pm: “I know you see me calling and texting you.”

  At 6:15 pm: “Don’t make me fuck you up.”

  At 6:30 pm: “I don’t know who the fuck you’re with, but you need to call me back.”

  At 6:45 pm: “Where ever you are, I hope you’re having a good time, being that you are not responding to my text.

  Anthony called Terry’s phone again at 7:00 p.m. and only got the voicemail. Anthony was beyond mad at this point. He was walking around the house trying to see if there were any signs of where Terry could be. As the minutes went by Anthony became filled with anger.

  At 7:25 pm: “Matter of fact, stay where the hell you’re at. I’m good.”

  At 7:32 pm: “You and that motherfucker you’re with, is going to make me fuck the both of you up.”

  I’m not sure why people do that when someone is not answering their phone or responding to text messages. It’s like to hell if you’re okay, but straight to who the fuck you are with. Just because someone doesn’t answer their phone or respond to a text, doesn’t always mean they are cheating. It’s just human nature to allow the mind to go there.

  “He is really trying it. This motherfucker thinks it’s a game. I got something for that ass. Just wait. Oooh I can’t believe this shit. Really this is how we doing it now? Okay, he wants to play this game, then I will show him just how it’s supposed to be played. It’s on now… Oooh yes, it is motherfucking on. I’m not going to say anything because that’s what he wants me to do,” Anthony ranted to himself.

  After Anthony ranted to himself he took a shower, put on his boxers, and sat in the living room to watch the football game. He jumped up and went in the kitchen to grab him a few beers. As he sat there watching the game, his mind started wondering where Terry could be. He shook it off and focused back on the game. After about an hour of Anthony watching the game Terry came strolling in. Anthony just looked at him with the, ‘really you just now coming home’ look.

  “What’s wrong with you?” Terry asked as if he didn’t already know.

  “Nothing is wrong with me. What is wrong with you?” Anthony shot the same question back.

  “I’m good. You the one sitting there like the world just came down on you,” Terry smirked.

  Terry knew Anthony was heated because he didn’t answer the phone or text back. It was kind of funny to Terry at how Anthony was acting.

  “Whatever Terry,” Anthony said getting up to go into the kitchen to throw away his beer cans.

  Terry followed him into the kitchen.

  “What’s your problem?” Terry asked.

  “I’m not the one that has a problem,” Anthony replied.

  “What is that supposed to mean?” Terry quizzed, already knowing the answer.

  “Look, I don’t want to play this game with you. Just know I see what time it is. Just don’t be mad when the tables are turned,” Anthony stated as he walked past Terry, close enough to bump his shoulder.

  “Really, you just going to bump me like that?” spat Terry. Anthony didn’t even turn around, just walked on to the bedroom.

  * * * * * * * * * *

  “Terrance what do you want for dinner?” Shanna asked.

  “I really don’t have a taste for anything,” Terrance replied.

  “I really don’t either, but I was going to fix you something if you wanted anything,” Shanna confessed.

  Shanna’s mind was on Renee’ and what happened at the wedding. She really wanted to reach out to her, but wasn’t sure if that was a good idea or not.

  “You don’t have to fix me anything. I have some things I need to do anyway,” Terrance informed her.

  “What things do you have to do?” Shanna asked with a confused look on her face.

  “What did I tell you about questioning me? You need to get it in your head that I do what I want to do, when I want to. You just make sure I know where you are at all times and keep the house in order,” Terrance snapped before walking out of the door. Shanna just stood there not knowing what to do. All she knew was over the last past year, Terrance had become very disrespectful and somewhat abusive towards her. She talked to him about it once before, but it seemed to only get worse. She didn’t know what to do. There wasn’t anyone that she could talk to about it, so she just kept it all to herself. She did from time to time think about calling Mary, but knew that wouldn’t be a good idea. All Shanna could do was go take a shower and go to bed, because there would be no telling when or if Terrance would come back.

  As Shanna laid in bed, she thought about how good things started out with Terrance, but for the life of her, she couldn’t think of what caused the change. She cried herself to sleep wanting more than what she was getting. Her heart was truly broken. In her eyes she lost the only thing that brought her joy, which was Renee’ and her best friend/cousin, Mary. All behind her selfish acts of wanting something that she knew deep down she could never have. Three years ago, she did have hope that she could have the fairytale life when she fell in love with Terrance. In her mind and heart, she felt she made the biggest mistake she had ever made in her life, when she ran off with Terrance. Only if she could turn back the hands of time, she would do things different.

  Shanna woke up to Terrance kissing her on her neck. She tried to play sleep and not respond, but it didn’t work. Terrance wasn’t in any way about to stop. Shanna just laid there while Terrance had his way with her. Having sex with Terrance wasn’t something she enjoyed anymore. It was all about him getting his rocks off and nothing more. There were times at first, she would stop him. It got to the point that even if she didn’t want to, he would force her to anyway. She could tell that he had been drinking by the smell of his breath, plus the smell of some woman’s perfume on him. She just wanted it all to end.


  “Baby, where you about to go?” Baldwin asked.

  “You mean, where we about to go,” Janet replied.

  Janet felt like everywhere she went, Baldwin had to go. Deep down, Baldwin didn’t care to go everywhere she went.

  “Well, in that case, where are we going?” Baldwin asked including himself this time.

  “First, we are going to get something to eat and then to the liquor store,” Janet replied.

  “I can understand getting something to eat, because I’m a little munchy, but the liquor store. Isn’t it a little early to be drinking,” Baldwin stated.

  “It’s never too early to have a drink, but I’m going to need
a drink when we go up on the block and get all the tea on everyone. You know I have to be up on the latest gossip,” Janet said as she batted her eyes and gave a half of a smile.

  Boy did Baldwin know that Janet had to know everything about everybody. It was something that he couldn’t understand. Why did everyone’s business have to be her business? Of course, he tagged alone.

  “I don’t know what to do with you. You feel you gotta know everything. Why is that? Only God knows I guess,” Baldwin said shaking his head.

  “You can shake your head all you want. It’s not going to change anything, so get your ass up and come on,” Janet demanded.

  About ten minutes later, they were out the door. They stopped at Hardees to get a bite to eat then headed to the liquor store. When they got to the liquor store, they spotted Renee’ coming out with this five-foot-eight, caramel complexion guy, with a low-cut fade. Of course, Janet sat there waiting to see what was going on before she got out of her car. Whoever the guy was, gave Renee’ a kiss and it wasn’t just a friendly kiss, but one of those take me I’m yours type of kiss. Janet made a mental note to find out who he was and what he and Renee’ had going on.

  “It’s a shame how nosey you are,” Baldwin blurted out.

  “Shut up and come on,” Janet spat as she got out of the car. Baldwin followed behind her just like a little puppy.

  It was kind of sad how Janet treated Baldwin, and how he let her talk to him any kind of way. Baldwin came from a broken home, well really, no home. He bounced around a lot as a kid. Most of his relationships were really the same. He worked and took care of everything while the woman just sat at home and did nothing. So, when he met Janet, he didn’t have to do everything, which was different for him. He liked that fact that she took care of him, but really didn’t care for how she talked to him sometimes. He just took it like it was nothing. It was like he didn’t have a say so in anything. Baldwin was just a piece of meat for Janet.